'You Have to Believe That You Can Do Something That Nobody Else Has Ever Done and Somehow That Concept
Has To Become a REALITY!'

I'm Fragile

I feel pain, I hurt.
I open my eyes. I DO NOT GIVE UP.
I feel no fear. I fear Nothing.
I create, I conquer, 'I HOLD THE POWER'!

Make a Choice.

Just decide - Who you're gonna be, what it's gonna be, and how you're gonna do it. Just decide. And from that point -

"Do or Do Not  - There is No Try ! "                              - Yoda

You Can't Have Another
Bad Year!

You've got to get to the point where you can say to yourself -


If you do what is easy, your life will be hard.  But, if you do what is hard, your life will be easy.

"Just say I'm gonna do whatever it takes - "I CAN DO IT!" If anybody has ever done it any point in time in history, then what's possible for one is possible for me & I'm gonna do it!

When You Leave - Leave on “E”!
Leave No Dream Behind.
Accomplish Everything You Can.      

There will never be a point in your life, where it's the right time to do a great thing. If you're waiting for that perfect, perfect moment, that perfect timing - it's not going to happen. You know you have to do - "You have to
'Create' the Perfect Time and the Perfect Opportunity
and the Perfect Situation" !


Some of you, your success has 'Messed You Up'.  
You're so successful now you're soft. 
Your success has not benefited you.
You have not grown as a result of being successful. 
You've Lost Your Bite, You're Not Hungry Anymore -
Your Success is 'Damaging You'

People Are Confusingly Similar!

100 Trillion Cells

There are 100 trillion (100,000,000,000,000) cells in your body. There are three billion (3,000,000,000) base pairs in the DNA code within each cell.

0.4% Difference - 1 in 500 letters !

The average amount of genetic difference between any two humans, is 0.2 percent, or 1 in 500 letters.

67 Billion Miles of DNA

If all the DNA in your body was put end to end, it would reach from the Earth to the Moon and back over
150,000 times.

98% 'Junk DNA'

The vast majority of DNA in the human genome -- about 98% -- consists of non-genetic sequences with unknown function, sometimes called "Junk DNA."

Every Human Being has what it takes
To get past whatever they're going through -
'If They Decide To' !

The Amazing You !


The Human Body

The human brain processes 400 Billion bits of information a second. The human brain possesses about 100 billion neurons with roughly 1 quadrillion, 1 million billion, connections known as synapses wiring these cells together.

The Human Brain

The brain is 1 million faster than the top of the line Intel i7 computer chip. It does it all on approximately 20 watts of power. The average power consumption of a typical adult body is about 100 watts.

Staggering Power

In an effort to digitally mimic the human brain, several years ago, scientists needed more than 82,000 highest speed processor running on one of the world’s fastest supercomputers to mimic Just 1 Second of a normal human brain activity.

100,000,000,000 Neurons

Approximately 20% of the blood flowing from the heart is pumped to the brain. Although the brain accounts for only 2% of the whole body's mass, it uses 20% of all the oxygen we breathe.

You Can Stay Where You Are - You Can.
But You Can't Stay Where You Are And
Try To Go Where You're Going !

Only those who risk going too far,
Can possibly find out how far one can go !

What Are You Thinking ?

“Watch your THOUGHTS, for they become WORDS.
Watch your WORDS, for they become ACTIONS.
Watch your ACTIONS, for they become HABITS.
Watch your HABITS, for they become your CHARACTER.
And watch your 'CHARACTER' - For It Becomes Your 'DESINTY' !"
- Frank Outlaw -

It is NOT enough to be "Talented"  - You Have to Have "Character" Too!   Because if you are Not Careful,
'Your Talent' will take you Places -
that 'Your Character' Can't Keep You !

If you're going through Hell, KEEP GOING!

 - Winston Curchill -

Whatever you're doing, stop what you're doing !

I got a question for you. What do you want?
It's real simple, what do you want?
Because there are some things in life you're not going to get.
They're not coming to you, you've gotta go take it.
There is some stuff you can't even earn by doing the good things.
It's not going to happen with you in the bed dreaming about it.
It's not gonna happen with you in the shower thinking about it.
Sometimes, you just have WILL IT! 

Stay as Far Away From Average as Possible !

Fear is
NOT Real !

The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist.

Dreaming !

The first step is seeing something you aren't before you are. Get yourself a Dream. And that dream has to be 'So Clear and So Real' that when you wake up in the morning all you have to do is Get out of bed and "STEP INTO YOUR DREAM"!

Where Your Are
is Temporary!

You will not be there for the rest of your life. I don't care what happened in your life, I don't care what it looks like, and I don't care where you are. All I Care About, is that every single day you wake up, you start your day with 'YOUR VISION'.

"How Big Would You Dream
If You Knew You Couldn't Fail?"

Tawfiq Hamdan

"The Best Revenge Is Massive Success !"

- Frank Sinatra -

There Are 86,400 Seconds in a Day.
And they are vanishing in front of your eyes.
Once they are gone, they are gone for eternity !

And how you use those 86,400 seconds is 'Critical'.
You have 86400 chances every single
day to change your life 'forever.
All it takes is just one second and one decision.
Just make the decision, to change your life FOREVER!
Don't ever forget -

If you change 'One' thing - You Change 'Everything'!

Don't waste time Sleeping - Sleeping is for weak people.
For every hour you take off of your sleep
you will be Awake for 5 Years more over your lifetime !
That is 158 Million more seconds of life !

But Why Stop at 1 hour. Every year, when the clocks change,
'DO NOT Listen To Them' - and steal an hour back ! 
2 hours less sleep/lifetime = 10 more years of living !

-  You Live As Long As You Are Remembered  -

Don't Be Great, Be One Of The Greats - Be 'The Greatest' !

"If you add a little to a little,
and then do it again,
soon that little shall be much."

- Hesiod 750-650 BC -

    Not All Who Wander Are Lost.

R. R. R. Tolkein

To persevere, I think, is Important for Everybody.
Don't Give Up, Don't Give In.
There's Always an Answer to Everything.

- Louis Zamperini -

'Champions Keep Going Even When
They Don't Have Anything
Left in Their Tank !'

'You mean to tell me that you're never going to reach your full potential.
You mean to tell me that you're never going to be what you've been called to be,
that you're not going to do what you've been called to do, because 'You Are Afraid'.'

You Think Adversity Builds Character,
It Does Not - It Reveals Character!
- James Lane Allen -

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
— Winston Churchill —

The Best Way Out of Difficulty is Through It !

These two brothers battled depression and family illness before starting the bicycle shop that would lead them to experimenting with flight. After numerous attempts at creating flying machines, several years of hard work, and tons of failed prototypes, the brothers finally created a plane that could get airborne and stay there. Orville Wright, with his brother Wilbur looking on, making The First - "Sustained, Controlled, Powered, and Heavier-Than-Air Flight" - EVER !

December 17, 1903 - Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina

(Neither Brother Graduated from High School)

"Not Within A Thousand Years Will Man Ever Fly."
 - Wilbur Wright 1901-
(Frustrated with their slow progress!)

"It is the mark of an educated mind
to be able to entertain a thought
Without Accepting It."
- Aristotle -

"In front of excellence, the immortal gods have put sweat.
And long and steep is the way to it, and hard at first.
But when you come to the top, then it is easy,
'Even Though It Is Hard'."

Hesiod 750-650 BC

As True Today as it was Over 2800 years ago
*Modern Translation:  'Nothing That's Hard is Easy !'

According to 'Aristotle'  -
"The best tragedies are conflicts between a 'Hero and His Destiny'. They contain moments of Recognition, Catharsis and Ultimately - - 'A Reversal of Fortune'."

You Can reverse you fortunes too. All you need to do is to Believe It! Just make the decision to turn a 'Dream into a Reality',
a 'Spark into a Fire'. And it's not about being overly aggressive and hysterical,
but it's about 'Owning Yourself '!

After All Is Said and Done,
More is Always Said Than Done.
Time to talk is OVER.
- It is Time To Do !

“If you are working on something that you really care about,
you don’t have to be pushed.
The vision pulls you.”
— Steve Jobs —

'Don't Loose Yourself !'

Don't loose your dreams for yourself, for your future, for your family. The dreams of love and enterprise and travel,  of doing things. Becoming something unique on your 
journey here. 'Don't Loose Your Dreams !'

But, It means absolutely nothing
If you don't take advantage of it

Fired from a newspaper for "Lacking Imagination" and having "No Original Ideas"

- Walt Disney -
Creator of Mickey Mouse
& Winner of 22 Academy Awards

'Never Fail By Default !' 

J. K. Rowling *

* J.K. Rowling was 'Unemployed, Divorced and Raising Her Daughter on Assistance' while writing the first Harry Potter novel.
She is now internationally renowned for her 'Harry Potter Book Series' and is the 'First Person' in human history to become a 'Billionaire' from writing. 


Said, "You Can Pay Back Only Seldom. But, You Can Always Pay Forward. And - You Must Pay Line For Line and Deed For Deed and Cent For Cent."

Mark Twain

“The two most important days in your life are The 'DAY You Were BORN' and the DAY You Figure out 'WHY' !”

Winston Churchill 

'NEVER give in, Never, Never, Never! In nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense.'

Is it a possible to have all your dreams become a reality in your lifetime?
Yes, it is possible. But the real question you need to be asking yourself is

In 20 years you can become an overnight success !

'Every day you say no to your dreams, you may be pushing your dreams back
a whole six months, a whole year ! That ONE Single Day ! Stop Thinking and Start Dreaming!'

'Unless you attempt to do that beyond which you have already mastered - You Will Never Grow !'
DO NOT let the Fear of Failure and the Attractiveness of Playing It Safe in Life Draw You In !

Dont be affraid of 'Atychiphobia' or 'Achievemephobia'

'Atychiphobia' - The 'Fear of Failure'

You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived
at all – in which case - 'You Fail By Default !'
- J. K. Rowling

'Achievemephobia' - The 'Fear of Success'

It is the fear of one's own greatness, the evasion of one's destiny, or the avoidance of exercising one's talents.  The fear of success can prevent self-actualization, or the realization
of one's potential.


Just to Show That It CAN BE DONE!"

(Impossible Can Be Done !)

- Terry Fox

Terrance Stanley Fox (July 28, 1958 – June 28, 1981) was a Canadian athlete, humanitarian, and cancer research activist. In 1980, with one leg having been amputated due to cancer, he embarked on an east-to-west cross-Canada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Although the spread of his cancer eventually forced him to end his quest after 143 days and 5,373 kilometres (3,339 mi), and ultimately cost him his life, his efforts resulted in a lasting, worldwide legacy. The annual Terry Fox Run, first held in 1981, has grown to involve millions of participants in over 60 countries and is now the world's largest one-day fundraiser for cancer research!

"Even if I don’t finish, we need others to continue.
It’s got to keep going !”

It's Up To Us Now!
And if you think, for just one second,
that Cancer cares who it is going to attack next -
"Cancer afflicts 1.7 million Americans Each Year
And kills 600,000 of them.
"More will die from cancer over the next 2 years than
Died in 'All the Wars' the United States Has Ever Fought

Go Watch "Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies"
A Biography of Cancer - A PBS Series
Click Here -> Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies

Click to Visit: 'Terry Fox Run' Website!
"Let's Fight Cancer Together!"

Albert Einstein

"School Failed Me and I Failed the School." It bored me.  I wanted to 'learn' what I wanted to 'know', but they wanted me to 'learn' for the 'exam'.  Because of this, I wasn't worth anything, and several times they suggested I leave.

One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved.  One must develop an instinct for what 'One Can Just Barely Achieve', through one’s greatest efforts.

Genius is making complex ideas simple,
Not making simple ideas complex.
Make things as simple as possible,
but 'Not Simpler'.


Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. 


We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The important thing is to never stop questioning.


Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know.

Jonah Complex

The 'Jonah Complex' is the fear of greatness or success which prevents self-actualization, or the realization of one's potential. It is the fear of one's own greatness, the evasion of one's destiny, or the avoidance of exercising one's talents. The overwhelming majority of people fail to achieve a life even close to what they are capable of!

The First Cardiac Catheterization

Werner Theodor Otto Forssmann (1904–1979) was a physician from Germany who shared the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for developing a procedure that allowed cardiac catheterization. In 1929, while working in Eberswalde, he performed the First Human Cardiac Catheterization -

He hypothesized that a catheter could be inserted directly into the heart. The fear at the time was that such an intrusion into the heart would be fatal. He ignored his department chief and persuaded the operating-room nurse in charge of the sterile supplies, Gerda Ditzen, to assist him. She agreed, but only on the promise that he would do it on her rather than on himself. However, Forssmann tricked her by restraining her to the operating table and pretending to locally anaesthetise and cut her arm whilst actually doing it on himself. He anesthetized his own lower arm in the cubital region and inserted a catheter into his antecubital vein, threading it partly along before releasing Ditzen (who at this point realized the catheter was not in her arm) and telling her to call the X-ray department. They walked some distance to the X-ray department on the floor below where, under the guidance of a fluoroscope, he advanced the catheter the full 60 cm into his right atrium. This X-Ray film was taken showing the catheter lying in his right atrium.

Though he was fired from his job for not listening to his superior officer, this experiment brought him - FAME, a JOB AS a hospital SURGEON, a PROFESSORSHIP and a 'NOBEL PRIZE' !

"The Mind"

It can Enslave Us or Empower Us.
It can plunge us into the depths of misery -
Or take us to the heights of ecstasy.


Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA)


A Quote from World-renowned
catheterization specialist Dr. Spencer King.

In 1976, when German cardiologist Andreas Roland Grüntzig first presented his idea as a poster at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association, world-renowned catheterization specialist Dr Spencer King said, "IT WILL NEVER WORK!" Grüntzig, who had spent years developing the concept and initial device 'IN HIS KITCHEN', was undeterred. Croatian cardiac surgeon Marco Turina, MD, is noted to have said that Grüntzig had the 'Sacred Fire' (or the 'Feu Sacré' as the French call it). It was what he thought about 'Constantly'.  "I have NEVER seen somebody so centered on a single idea like Andreas was. NEVER IN MY LIFE! Everyone was telling him his idea would NEVER work and had been tried before and that he was going to FAIL and that there were pitfalls at every turn. But the idea was consuming him 'ALL THE TIME'.

Grüntzig returned to the American Heart Association 1 year later in 1977. He presented his first four cases of angioplasties in humans from the podium. When he finished - the audience of His Colleagues Rose As One and Gave Him a 'Standing Ovation'.

'DID WORK ! - And Changed The World Forever - To This Day!'

" DO NOT Listen to Them! - Just Keep Moving Forward!"

You change One Thing -

When they tell you -

'It is Impossible !'
or -
'It Can't Be Done !'
or -
'You Can't Do It !'

'DO NOT' Listen To Them !

More often times then not - THEY WILL BE WRONG!

"There is no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant Market Share -
NO Chance!"

Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft

"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home."

Ken Olson, president, Chairman and Founder of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)

“Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?”

Harry M. Warner
Co-founder of Warner Brothers, 1926

“Heavier than air flying machines are impossible.”

Lord Kelvin

"I think there is a world market for maybe '5' computers." 

Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943

"X-rays will prove to be a HOAX." 

Lord Kelvin, President of the Royal Society, 1883

"The world potential market for copying machines is 5000 at most.”


"A rocket will never be able to leave
the earths atmosphere!"

The New York Times, 1936.

Rejection is an Imperative Test of One’s Character !

There is a Purpose For Your Pain,
A Reason For Your Struggles
And a Reward for Your Faithfulness !


If, in the end, all they have to say about me is -

'He shined very brightly as a young man
and he is now a very pleasant, accomplished gentleman.'

That will suffice.
- JPG -
"I Just Want The UNIVERSE to Get Out of My Way!"
(Thanks Mom and Dad)
As I Always Say - 'Credit Where Credit is Due!'

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"It is Not in the Stars to Hold Our Destiny But in Ourselves."
- William Shakespeare -

When They Tell You It Can't Be Done -

J.K. Rowling
The Christopher Little Literary Agency receives 12 publishing rejections in a row for their new client, until the eight-year-old daughter of a Bloomsbury editor demands to read the rest of the book. The editor agrees to publish but advises the writer to 'Get a Day Job' since "She has LITTLE CHANCE OF MAKING MONEY In children’s BOOKS". "Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone" by J.K. Rowling spawns a series where the last four novels consecutively set records as the fastest-selling books in history, on both sides of the Atlantic, with combined sales of 450 million.
To become a 'BILLIONAIRE' From Writing

(Memo: Bloomsbury editor - Now, I'm pretty sure, that a BIllion $'s does count as Making Money)

Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling was told "He Did Not" Know how to use the English language!
'Nobel Prize in Literature 1907'
(Did Know English!)


Agatha Christie
After 5 years of continual rejection, the writer finally lands a publishing deal: "Agatha Christie".
Her book sales are now in excess of $2 billion. Outsold ONLY by the Bible and Shakespeare, Agatha Christie is the best-selling novelist of all time. She is best known for her 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections,
as well as the world’s longest-running play – The Mousetrap.


Louis L’Amour
Louis L’Amour received '200' Rejections before Bantam took a chance on him.
He is now their best ever selling author with 330 million sales.

Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel)
"TOO DIFFERENT" from other juveniles on the market to Warrant its Selling."
A rejection letter sent to Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel).
300 million sales and the 9th best-selling fiction author of all time.

Zane Grey

You have no business being a writer and should GIVE UP
Zane Grey ignores the advice. There are believed to be
over 250 million copies of his books in print.

Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen
140 rejections stating “Anthologies DON'T SELL” until the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series by Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen sells 125 million copies.
If you haven't read these you must !

Stephen King
Stephen King's, Carrie:
'30 rejections' from publishers. Things were looking grim for King’s first novel until Bill Thompson at Doubleday finally sent him this telegram: "Congratulations. Carrie officially a Doubleday book. Is $2500 advance Okay? The future lies ahead. Love, Bill." The paperback rights went for 16 times as much, and more importantly: the biggest literary career of modern times was officially launched. His books have now sold over 350 million copies.

Shel Silverstein
One of the best-known children’s books of all time had difficulty getting published. Shel Silverstein was told that the book would never sell, but he persisted. 'The Giving Tree' has become loved by children and adults alike, translated into numerous languages, and prompted various and creative interpretations.

Silverstein also wrote the song "A Boy Named Sue",
which was made popular by Johnny Cash - In case anyone asks!


C.S. Lewis
The years of rejection do not break his spirit. He only becomes more determined to succeed.
When he eventually lands a publishing deal, such is the demand for his fiction that it is translated into
over 47 languages, as "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis goes on to sell over 100 million copies.

Dan Brown
It is so badly written.” The author tries Doubleday instead and his little book makes an impression.
"The Da Vinci Code", a 2003 mystery thriller novel by Dan Brown, sells 80 million. A movie follows - Budget $125 million with Box office sales of $758.2 million!

Judy Blume
After two years of rejections stating that her fiction would have no readership, Reilly and Lee agree to publish "The One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo", launching the career of the best-selling author Judy Blume.

Combined sales: 80 million.

Paulo Coelho
Having sold only 800 copies on its limited first release,
the author finds a new publisher and "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho.

Sells 75 million copies.

J.D. Salinger
“We feel that we don’t know the central character well enough.” The author does a rewrite and his protagonist becomes an icon for a generation as "The Catcher In The Rye" by J.D. Salinger sells 65 million.

L.M. Montgomery
5 publishers reject L.M. Montgomery‘s debut novel. Two years after this rejection, she removes it from a hat box and resubmits. L.C. Page & Company agree to publish "Anne of Green Gables"
and it goes on to sell 50 million copies.

Vladimir Nabokov
I recommend that it be buried under a stone for a thousand years.” Shunned by all the major publishers, the author goes to France and lands a deal with Olympia Press. The first 5000 copies quickly sell out.
But the author Vladimir Nabokov now sees his novel, "Lolita",
published by all those that initially turned it down, with combined sales of 50 million.

Beatrix Potter
"The Tale of Peter Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter was rejected so many times she decided to self-publish 250 copies. It has now sold 45 million.

Richard Bach
Nobody will want to read a book about a seagull
Richard Bach‘s "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" goes on to sell 44 million copies.

Jacqueline Susann
“Undisciplined, rambling and thoroughly amateurish writer.”
But Jacqueline Susann refuses to give up and her book the "Valley of the Dolls" sells 30 million.

Margaret Mitchell
Margaret Mitchell gets 38 rejections from publishers before finding one to publish her novel
"Gone With The Wind". It sells 30 million copies.


Anne Frank
"The girl doesn’t, it seems to me, have a special perception or feeling which would lift that book above the ‘curiosity’ level.” Perhaps the most misguided literary critique in history. With a further 15 rejections, there remained little hope her personal thoughts would see the light of day. Eventually, Doubleday, bring the translation to the world, and "The Diary of Anne Frank" sells 25 million.

Irving Stone
“A long, dull novel about an artist.” Publisher rejects "Lust For Life" by Irving Stone. 25 million sales.

Kenneth Grahame
“An irresponsible holiday story that will never sell.” Rejection of "The Wind In The Willows" by Kenneth Grahame. The novel did sell: 25 million copies worldwide.

Christopher Nolan
“Christopher Nolan, an Irish writer, was born both mute and quadriplegic. He was physically helpless, able to communicate with family members only through eye movements. Thru the incredible devotion of his family, who believed he was in there, and a new medication (a Mircle Drug) that allowed his spastic muscle to relax just enough to sit in front of a typewrite with a stick on his forehead, Christopher was able to type out, one letter at a time, highly praised volumes of verse and short stories at the age 15. He went on to publish a prize-winning autobiography (Whitbread Award Winning Book) called - “Under the Eye of the Clock”
(I wrote a tribute to Him @ undertheeyeoftheclock.com )

Christopher also went to school with Bono, of the Irish rock group U2,
and Bono wrote the song about Chritopher's sucess, called “Miracle Drug”.


Now if Christopher Nolan can do what he did
with what he had to work with, then, I ask you -

("Do or Do Not, There is No Try." - Yoda)


Thomas K. Bell
"My Dad Is A Freak"
Is a Memoir, detailing one man's serendipitous journey from Bachelorhood to Parenthood.
After his Girlfriend becomes his wife, and his wife becomes pregnant, Tom finds himself a first time father at nearly 50 years old. Over the years, he has shown only a passing interest in his nieces and nephews, and has never touched someone else's poo. Now, with an eight month-old baby and two toddlers, he 'Wracks his Brain' for ANY useful
cross-over skills accumulated from a half-century of single life.

'A MUST READ - if you havent already!'

Tom Writes Music, Produces Music Videos,
and is also a very talented Guitarist.
Check Them / Him Out!
Birthday Cake & Sweet Dreams


Peter Benchley
His publishers Doubleday reject the first 100 pages.
So the author Peter Benchley starts from scratch and "Jaws" sells 20 million.
And the rest is history !


Thor Heyerdahl
Thor Heyerdahl believes his book "Kon-Tiki: Across The Pacific" is unique. 20 publishers disagree. The 21st takes it on and sells 20 million: one for each rejection.


Stephenie Meyer
Despite 14 consecutive agency rejections Stephenie Meyer‘s "Twilight" goes on to sell 17 million copies and spends 91 weeks on the New York Times best-seller list.

William Golding
“An absurd and uninteresting fantasy which was rubbish and dull.”
Rejection letter sent to William Golding for "The Lord Of The Flies" - 15 million sales.

WM Paul Young
After 20 rejection letters, WM Paul Young self-publishes his novel "The Shack".
15 million sales and a cultural phenomenon.

Meg Cabot
Three years of rejection letters are kept in a bag under her bed. The bag becomes so heavy that she is unable to lift it. But Meg Cabot does not dwell on the failure. Instead she keeps sending her manuscript out.
It gets taken on and "The Princess Diaries" sells 15 million copies.

L. Frank Baum
Too Radical" of a departure from traditional juvenile literature.”
L. Frank Baum persists and "The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz" sells 15 million.


Alice Walker
Little, Brown & Company passes on a two book deal for Alice Walker.
When complete her novel "The Color Purple" sells 10 million and wins the The Pulitzer Prize.

Madeline L'Engle
26 publishers reject "A Wrinkle in Time".
It wins the '1963 Newbery Medal' and becomes an international best-seller. 8 million sales and counting.

Audrey Niffenegger
After 25 literary agents reject her debut manuscript, she mails it unsolicited to a small publisher in San Francisco, MacAdam/Cage. They believe it is a classic. Upon publication, the world agrees. Translated into over 33 languages and adapted into a movie, "The Time Traveler's Wife"
by Audrey Niffenegger sells 7 million copies.

High Prather
To deal with publisher rejections
, Hugh Prather decides to write a book
about them in his early struggles and "Notes To Myself" sells 5 million.

H.G. Wells
“An endless nightmare. I think the verdict would be ‘Oh don’t read that horrid book.”
Publisher rejects "The War Of The Worlds" by H.G. Wells.
It is soon published in 1898, and has been in print ever since.

Herman Melville
“Our united opinion is entirely against the book. It is very long, and rather old-fashioned.” Publisher rejects "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville. It is later published by Harper & Brothers, who release a first print run of 3000 copies. Only 50 of these sell during the author's lifetime.

George Orwell
T.S. Eliot
as head of Faber & Faber rejects it because of “Trotskyite politics”.
Secker & Warburg spot potential, and George Orwell’s Animal Farm becomes a best-seller.

F. Scott Fitzgerald
An absurd story as romance, melodrama or record of New York high life.”
Yet publication sees "The Great Gatsby" by F.Scott Fitzgerald become a best-selling classic.

Mary Shelley
Rejected by leading publishers, the 21-year-old finally persuades a small publishing company Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones, to take a chance on her debut. They agree, but do not put her name on the cover, and only print 500 copies in 1818. Booksellers only bought 25 of them. Despite a named credit in 1822, sales did not improve, until a 3rd edition was published by Henry Colburn & Richard Bentley in 1831. Word of mouth combined with some of the finest prose ever written in the genre, quickly sees Frankenstein by Mary Shelley become a best-seller.

Joseph Heller
I haven’t really the foggiest idea about what the man is trying to say,” one publisher wrote. “Apparently the author intends it to be funny—possibly even satire—but it is really not funny on any intellectual level.”
Publisher rejects "Catch-22" by Joseph Heller, a novel believed to have been given its name because it was the 22nd publisher,
Simon and Schuster, who agreed to take it on. To date: 10 million sales.

Laurence Peter
30 publishers tell Laurence Peter that his book "The Peter Principle" will never sell. In 1969,
a mere 18 months later it is a number #1 best-seller.

Norman Mailer
“This will set publishing back 25 years.”
Rejecting "The Deer Park". Its author Norman Mailer goes on to win The Pulitzer Prize, twice.

Alex Haley
Alex Haley
writes for eight years and receives 200 consecutive rejections. His novel "Roots" becomes a publishing sensation, selling 1.5 million copies in its first seven months of release, and going on to sell 8 million. Such is the success that The Pulitzer Prize award the novel a Special Citation in 1977.

J.G. Ballard
." Publisher rejects "Crash" by J.G. Ballard. The author immediately declares this as sign of "Complete Artistic Success." The novel goes on to inspire countless songs, and the film adaptation Wins the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival in 1996.

E.E. Cummings
The E.E. Cummings best-seller "The Enormous Room" has a dedication page
‘With No Thanks To’ all 15 publishers who turned it down.

John le Carre
“He hasn’t got any future.” Yet, publication of "The Spy Who Came in From the Cold" leads to its author, John le Carré, having one of the most distinguished careers in literary history.

Robert M. Pirsig
Robert M. Pirsig‘s Zen & the "Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" is in the Guinness Book Of Records for 121 rejections, more than any other best-seller.

Richard Hornberger
21 rejections, Richard Hornberger,MD, a thoracic surgeon, switches to the pseudonym, Richard Hooker, and his debut novel becomes a phenomenal publishing success, spawning an Oscar-Winning Film Adaptation,
and one of the most watched Television shows in history: M*A*S*H*.

William Faulkner
“Good God, I can’t publish this.” So it finds itself at the offices of publishers Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith instead, who immediately spot the talent of its author, and in 1931 propel him and his controversial, "Sanctuary", into the literary limelight. The author, William Faulkner, goes on to become one of
the most critically praised novelists of all time